Sunday, October 30, 2011

I have dreams

I've heard pregnancy can cause some crazy dreams. I haven't had a lot of those yet, but there was a good one the other night and I thought I should get it written down before I forget about it. It's a little bit graphic, but I don't think it's gross. Read on, if you can handle it.

I was in the hospital, but I don't know why. I definitely wasn't there to give birth, because I was only about 20 weeks, like in real life. I was wearing a hospital gown and someone asked me to show them my baby belly. I lifted up the gown (I hope I was wearing pants) to show off my belly and it suddenly grew to be about three times the size it is now.

The surgery scar that runs vertically through my belly button split open and out popped the amniotic fluid sac, which I caught. I caught it in my hands. It was all in one piece, but completely transparent and I could see the baby's whole body, her facial features and her head of dark hair through it. It was a pretty amazing sight.

I guess eventually, I got sewn up and put back together, but the last thing I remember is stuffing the sac back through the whole in my stomach and holding it closed to prevent it from popping out again.

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