Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sardines are not for me.

After three weeks of feeling consistently nauseous, I had my first actual vomiting episode on Wednesday night.  Gabe made me eat encouraged me to try sardines for the first time.  What possessed me to do that with an already tumultuous tummy, I don't know.  Actually, I do know.

I've been reading Eating Well When You're Expecting.  There are several vitamins, minerals and food groups that I should try to eat every day - proteins, whole grains, calcium, Vitamin C.  The book gives examples of foods that satisfy these requirements and one food pops up on several lists.  You guessed it, sardines.

So, I was reading some of these examples out loud to Gabe and he was intrigued by the sardines.  He's always trying to get me to branch out and try new foods.  Plus, he actually likes sardines.  Add to that the fact that Alton Brown has a recipe for sardines and avocado on sourdough, and he was on a mission.

I really like avocado and sourdough, so I was willing to give it a shot.  I knew right away that it wasn't something I would enjoy.  True, there is a similarity to tuna, but the sardines are oilier and mushier and saltier and . . . just not for me.  So, I scraped off the fish and just ate the toast and avocado.  As a reward for having tried something new, Gabe bought me a Wendy's Frosty for dessert.  I probably ate too much of that, which could have been part of the problem.

I didn't actually get sick until a few hours later, though, when I went to the kitchen before bedtime to load the dishwasher.  Well, if sardines right out of the can smell bad, they're nothing to sardines that have been sitting on the counter for hours.  I had to give Gabe the job of doing the dishes while I ran off to the bathroom.

I might have to hold off on trying new foods until the end of my pregnancy.


  1. Small price to pay for being a legend!

  2. I say this as someone who adores Ceasar salads and anchovies on my pizza - Sardines are disgusting no matter what. Nathan eats them like they're freaking candy or something, and because he has that husband clutter-blindness thing, forgets to throw the cans away. It is SO gross to walk into the kitchen and find 2 or 3 sardine cans just sitting there, getting all funky. Gross.

    'Sardine Sandwich' is an awesome band name, but sounds horrifying as a meal. Gabe should have cooked you some seared tuna or something. He made me a seared tuna steak with a spinach and strawberry salad with fresh raspberry vinaigrette once, and it is still one of my favorite meals of all time. Plus, no nasty sardine-ness.
